It is the process of making an entire quilt, piecing and quilting, all in the hoop. Once all the blocks are done you use the Quilt as you Go method of putting it all together. There are little ones and full quilt sized ones. So much fun to do and I dare you to walk away from your embroidery machine as it is also so much fun to watch!
My friend Anni and I spent all day friday making blocks for the center of our TNT Tips and Techniques class at my shop. Mine is the Rust/Brown block and Anni's in the Pink/Green one. We have so much fun doing these while making a huge mess at each others houses.
Lorraine Peck (past owner of The Electric Quilt and also my old boss) is teaching the TNT quilt and I will be teaching a Christmas class of hoop sisters.
Not up to much else these days. Still as always, working on my Sharman's Garden quilt. I have done most of the blocks and now need to start on the center medalion. I can't tell you how much I am enjoying the making of this quilt. Part of it, I'm sure, is the threads I chose. They are very much my Mom's colors and having just past the two year mark since I have been without her, I find her colors comforting.
Happy Sewing! What are you up to?
This looks like a lot of fun!